- We booked a photographer! Amanda Alt WORK IT OUT. We weren't necessarily looking for a photographer yet, but I had a million people suggest that I "fan" her Facebook business page. I'm very glad I did. Her work is very fresh and new, and she's really inspired me to think outside of the box and just go crazy. I thought I had a lot of ideas about wedding pictures- what would look nice, pretty views, etc. I threw all of that out the window, now I'm just concerned about having fun and staying true to ourselves. Big bold colors and kitsch. Seriously. I'm done caring about what people will think!
- With our booking we receive a complimentary engagement session! We weren't going to do this otherwise, but this is free and gives us a chance to really get to know Amanda. I think we're going to do this later this summer. We've talked about it, and we're going to go with a yellow and gray color palate. I guess it's not necessary, but I'm into it. I've already bought...stuff..for the pictures, I can't wait! I don't want to give too much away, I love surprising people!
- I'm ditching those shoes I posted about. I woke up the other day and realized I hate them. I'm pretty sure I'm going to have the boldest, bluest shoes I can find as my "something blue". I'm a total shoe freak, I have a million pairs in a million colors. nothing in the wedding is blue...I think that makes it all the more fun.
- We ordered half of our centerpieces! I bought 12 manzanita branches, 2 bags of moss, and 12 black wooden containers from Blooms and Branches.

Sorry the picture blows, I took it on my phone. You get the idea, though. I lined the base with a plastic grocery bag, then filled it halfway with plaster and placed the branch in the container. Once it was dry, I stuffed it to the top with moss and this is the (almost) end result. I love it...it's exactly what I had in mind. This is a little gloomy and not the end product- I'm going to add hanging tea lights or little ivory flowers to the branches. Maybe both.
- Today I entered Mike and I to win a wedding in Bermuda. LOL at this. In the contest rules, it says you are judged on your picture and 10 reasons. I am notoriously ugly in pictures, but I think we picked a decent one. Please comment if you feel compelled to do so. I don't think it has any bearing on the competition, but it can't hurt!
- I need a photobooth. I'm obsessed with this idea, and it NEEDS to happen.
More later, maybe!
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