Aside from reading books, magazines, and websites, we've made a lot of progress. We squeezed in a meeting with a local banquet facility, and were very impressed. Personally, I think it's down to two choices. I'll let you know after August 12th! We've also snagged more stationary- I think by the end of the summer we'll have all of our invitations, programs, placecards, and thank you cards bought and stored away.
I've obviously been looking at wedding dresses for the last 21 years, but recently I've been focusing my attention to David's Bridal (an MSN article refered to the national chain as 'The Wal-Mart of Weddings'). UH, HELLO. Budget, meet my new best friend. I think I know what I want- an off-white strapless ballgown. DB has some really amazing, (and so inexpensive it almost hurts), gowns. I don't think I want to make the purchase until next year, but knowing I could take one check from my weekend job and buy a beautiful dress is tempting! We'll see.
I cannot believe that next week marks 2.5 years of togetherness for us. A month after that marks 2 years until we make it permanent. What a life! I couldn't want more.
P.S. - Last night as a waitress gave me my check after a ladies' night out, she said 'Oh you have the mini verson of my engagement ring!'. Yeah, she went there! I think it was poor wording versus being catty, but wow!